
Happy Patients Can Help You Increase Event Attendance

Nov 15, 2020 | Healthcare

Marketing Blog

Webinars and seminars are a great way to educate prospects about your practice and prompt them to become patients. While marketing will help increase event attendance, there is no better ambassador for a physician than a satisfied patient. But how do you work their positive experiences into your marketing efforts? Here are ways happy patients can drive attendance at your webinar and seminar events.

Ask for feedback on social platforms

Statistics show 63% of shopping begins online. Consumers use the internet to research a product or service before buying it, in part because they’re skeptical of traditional advertising. But they will believe favorable comments made by previous patients. As social media management platform SproutSocial explains, people will do something if they see others do it, because they’ll assume it’s the correct behavior or they’ll achieve the same results.

Record and promote video testimonials

A testimonial can do more than spotlight a successful case. It can also put prospects at ease, according to HealthWorks Collective. Every physician has happy patients. Don’t be afraid to ask them if they would be willing to participate in a promotional video. Make them brief – from 30 seconds to two minutes in length.

In our experience, incorporating videos into eblasts, social ads, and other marketing channels can increase event attendance.

Consider event participation

Ever invited a longtime patient or advocate to one of your seminar dinners or virtual sessions? Inviting an actual patient at your event can make a huge impression on the other attendees. Prospects will hear firsthand about this person’s experience with you.

Before the event, we suggest you prepare the patient with answers to a few common questions asked by prospects, so they don’t feel put on the spot. But don’t try to coach your guest – you want them to tell their story in their own words.

Ready, set, grow

To summarize, stories of happy clients can help you increase event attendance for webinars and seminars. Reviews and testimonials influence prospects to choose a product or service over others, and feel more confident in their decision.

If your current marketing strategy isn’t creating a steady volume of new patients, LeadingResponse can help. We offer multichannel programs that can save you time and money. Learn more about how we partner with elective care physicians to accelerate their growth.

Or, if you’re ready now to expand your practice, contact Vice President of Elective Medical Sales John McCloskey at 813.885.8270, or email him at [email protected].

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