We are thrilled to introduce a new member of LeadingResponse in this meet the team blog! Today, we’re getting to know Kristin Boulette, Sr. Social Media Analyst for our Online Activation Team. Let’s get started!
Let’s start with a work-based question – What is your favorite thing about your career?
Without a doubt, the thing I love most about my career is all the fantastic people I have met. I have been very fortunate to have worked for and alongside some talented and smart people that have shared their knowledge and passion for the marketing industry. This empowers me to work harder and also have that same effect on others.
Next – Who is your hero?
My father is my hero. We probably disagree on most things, and more often than not, he can be a real pain, but he is one of the hardest-working people I know. When we were growing up, he had several jobs to make ends meet, but he was always there to chaperone a field trip or take us camping. I also get my immature sense of humor from him, and he is usually the first person I call with a silly joke. He is also a master of pranks, which kept me quick on my toes!
Love that! What would you change about yourself if you could?
I love working on personal development and learning new things to make myself a better person but if I had the chance to magically change something about myself I wouldn’t. Ten years ago, I would have had a long list that I could easily rattle off, but today I can proudly say that I love myself and wouldn’t change a thing – “flaws” and all. Any mistake I have made I have learned from and have made me a stronger, wiser, and funnier person.
What do you consider your proudest accomplishment?
I am incredibly proud of my master’s degree because I was not the best student in high school. I spent many years in my teens and early 20s trying to figure out what I wanted to do for a career and changed my undergraduate major several times. Once I realized my passion, I decided to get an MBA with two concentrations in Marketing and ended up with a 3.9 GPA. I had a full-time job, went to school full-time for two years, and gave up my social life, but I did it!
What makes you laugh the most?
Silly animal videos and dad jokes get me every time! I am easily amused. What can I say?
What did you want to be when you were small?
I wanted to be a country music singer. My grandparents got me addicted to The Judds as a kid. I would set up performances in the living room for my family with my microphone and permed hair!
So can we assume you’d sing country at karaoke night?
My go-to at karaoke is always a Johnny Cash song. Although I love almost every genre of music, I love the unexpected look on people’s faces when they see me sing “Folsom Prison Blues.”
Speaking of surprises – Love them? Or hate them?
I only like surprises when I don’t know they are coming. Thoughtful surprises are my absolute favorite. One year for Valentine’s Day, my husband surprised me when I came home from work with a new pasta maker with all of the ingredients and a glass of wine. He planned a night to make our pasta from scratch together, and I thought that was extremely thoughtful and sweet. Please don’t tell me you have a surprise for me and then make me wait for it.
If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?
I would go back to the early 80s. I love 80s music and movies, and the fashion was wild. My husband and I plan to build an 80s pizza arcade-themed game room in our basement with posters of our favorite 80s movies.
Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?
Danielle Fishel from Boy Meets World. When I was in high school, many people used to tell me that she and I looked like, and it was such a huge compliment. I am not sure I look like her as much anymore, but it’s nice to relive that compliment.
My last – and favorite – question. What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
When I was 34 years old, I left a secure job with excellent benefits to take an unpaid internship at a marketing firm. I had been working on the sales side of Marketing for many years but wanted to learn about the social media/SEO side of the industry. I got a dog-walking gig on the side, and thankfully my husband supported this idea. I remember being terrified at the time, but it has truly paid off.
Thank you so much for your time, Kristin! We are so happy that you have decided to be part of LeadingResponse, and we can’t wait to see what amazing things you bring to our team! To learn more about the LeadingResponse team, view our Team Page! And learn about more of our team members on our Meet The Team Blogs!