
Virtual Marketing Insights

Mar 14, 2021 | Senior Living

Marketing Blog

Nearly a year has passed since the COVID-19 pandemic severely restricted, or shut down completely, businesses across the country. The coronavirus has forever altered how senior living operators approach prospective residents of their communities.

One revelation during this time, is that virtual marketing strategies can successfully reach prospective residents and their families.

Virtual marketing insights

In a recent webinar, “The Strongest Performing Virtual Solutions of 2020,” hosts Steve Moran, Publisher of Senior Living Foresight, and Valerie Whitman, VP of Senior Living here at LeadingResponse, gave marketers invaluable tips and tactics to effectively reach their audiences in a virtual world.

During their virtual marketing strategies presentation, Steve and Valerie shared how you can use high-performing lead generation solutions from 2020 to reach your sales goals this year. They also discussed how senior living community operators are currently navigating a world of COVID-19 outbreaks and vaccine clinics.

In addition, they explored next steps for prospective residents and families.

Key takeaways included:

  • The strongest lead generation solutions of 2020
  • Types of consumer-based data yielding solid response rates
  • Conversion rates of key marketing strategies

In conclusion, as the webinar showed, it’s not too late to learn what’s working in today’s virtual senior living marketplace.

To find out how you can incorporate this vital information on virtual marketing strategies into your marketing efforts to nurture existing leads and generate new ones, register today!

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