
9 Proven Ways to Increase Webinar Attendance

Jul 7, 2022 | Marketing

Marketing Blog

So, you’re going to host a webinar to build a following, connect with more consumers, and grow your business. Great plan! But how can you ensure that the highest number of qualified visitors register? And even more critical – actually attend your webinar? That’s where we come in. Keep reading for the best practices for webinar marketing. It’s guaranteed to result in increased webinar attendance and a motivated audience!

Choose a Topic that Appeals

Don’t let your ego get in the way! Designing a webinar or event for your customers means getting into their shoes and thinking long and hard about what they are looking for. What questions do your prospects ask you? Do they have concerns? What information can you provide that will help your audience?

Create a webinar with topics and discussions an audience is interested in, and provide the answers to their questions. You’ll become their hero and guide through some of life’s most challenging decisions. And you’ll earn their business.

Email Prospects

Why email? For a few reasons. First, email is free! Plus, it’s a great way to connect with prospects and encourage them to join your webinar. Second, stats show it is the best way to get people to sign up! A personalized email invite is proven to outperform all other types of webinar marketing. So, save yourself time and money, and make sure you email those prospects.

  • Sales 1% 1%
  • Newsletter 8% 8%
  • Blog Posts 14% 14%
  • Social Posts 15% 15%
  • Email 51% 51%

Don’t forget that quality matters. Make sure to put time and effort into your email campaigns to get the highest return. A quickly drawn-up email won’t return as many webinar registrations as the one you’ve put more thought and energy into. Spend the time upfront, which will pay dividends when the webinar goes live. And don’t forget to automate a follow-up email letting them know that their webinar registration was successful and a thank you for attending. Small gestures keep your audience engaged.

Choose the Best Day and Time

This is a simple way to increase webinar attendance! Schedule your event for the day and time that generate the most webinar registrations. Make time in your calendar, even if it’s not the most convenient time for you. Remember, the more people you have in attendance, the greater your returns. So, which day and time should you push for? Research shows that 10 to 11 a.m. has the highest rate of engagement.

  • 6am 2% 2%
  • 7am 2% 2%
  • 8am 6% 6%
  • 9am 12% 12%
  • 10am 29% 29%
  • 11am 24% 24%
  • 12pm 8% 8%
  • 1pm 5% 5%
  • 2pm 2% 2%
  • 3pm 1% 1%
  • 4om 2% 2%
  • 5pm 3% 3%
  • 6pm 3% 3%
  • 7pm 1% 1%

What about the best day to host a webinar? This is a little more complicated. Wednesdays and Thursdays were the highest performing days, with 26% and 28%. However, that all changed with the pandemic and the influx of webinars in 2020. Since then, webinar attendance on other days has increased: Fridays by 222%, Tuesdays with 271%, and Mondays with an incredible 441%!

And while these are industry benchmarks, feel free to experiment and see what day and time works best for your audience. It’s always possible that a different schedule is more successful in your field. You can always adjust your webinar marketing to reflect the needs of your prospects.

Create a Landing Page

How do you get more people to sign up for your webinar? Create a landing page. This webpage should include quick access to all the information your audience wants to see. That should include the speaker and their credentials, photos if possible, and an outline of what the webinar will be covering. Work to draw the audience in and pique their interest.

Don’t forget about the dynamics of the landing page! It should load quickly and offer only the option to sign up for the webinar. Don’t confuse your audience with any options on the landing page. The goal is to get them to sign up! Stay focused on that.

Leverage Collaborations

You’ve got connections in your network and are affiliated with other industry professionals, right? Leverage those relationships! Include guests in your webinar, and you’ll reach twice the audience! Work to create partnerships with other complementary businesses that can help enhance the quality and visibility of your webinar marketing. And you’ll see the webinar attendance rates soar!

Connect Attendees with Speaker


Percent of webinar attendees that want Q&A

Your consumers want to be able to connect one on one, so make sure to give them the opportunity! What’s the best way to do that? A whopping 92% of webinar attendees want and prefer a live Q&A session! Make sure to save time at the end of the event, and market it as an opportunity in your emails and landing page. You’ll increase webinar attendance simply by making yourself available for a few minutes. It’s a great opportunity!

Live polls are another great way to get your audience involved and committed to the webinar. Plus, it can give you a good idea of what your audience is really looking for, so you can adjust your content if needed. Immediate, accurate feedback on what your audience wants – what could be better?

Give Them Incentive

Some people need extra motivation! Scarcity creates demand. So, make sure to offer special pricing or solutions available only to those attending. Or consider creating a “limit” on the attendees to encourage people to sign up (but don’t actually set a limit – the more, the merrier!). Do you have a book or product you can market and give away to some of the guests? Create a prize of some sort, and you’re webinar attendance rates will rise!

Call Attendees with a Reminder

Emails may work for increasing registration, and webinar marketing, but remember that many people will sign up, but only a few of those will actually attend. And often, it’s just that people forgot. Or they have scheduled something else. So how do you keep your webinar top of mind?

The answer is simple – with a phone call. What could be more personal than touching base with the speaker or staff as a quick reminder for the webinar? You could ask the individual at that time if they have any specific questions they’d like answered or if they have any concerns they’d like to discuss. Opening the floor to your prospects and your personal touch base with them ensures they are far more committed to attending. And commitment is what you need to increase webinar attendance.

Choose the Right Platform

Now you’ve got all the details on creating and producing a webinar with the highest number of attendees. And remember, depending on your audience, you may need to consider how easy the platform is to use. But where do you host this webinar? How do you incorporate webinar marketing? Most services restrict your ability to use your branding at the event or require much up-front planning. And to convert more prospects, you need a webinar platform that impresses and does all the heavy lifting for you. That’s where WebinarConnect comes in.

Our one-click webinar marketing solution allows you to grow your base seamlessly. Branded content, stress-free promotions, and multichannel marketing ensure higher attendee rates than the industry average. Plus, polls, Q&A sessions, Call-to-Action, and reminders are all part of the process. Take the stress out of your next webinar with LeadingResponse and get higher than average webinar attendance.

Start Your Next Webinar Now

What are you waiting for? Your prospects are out there and ready to participate in your next webinar. Actively acquire, refine, and grow your business with the help of WebinarConnect and LeadingResponse. We offer a FREE recording session, a 15-minute walk-through of WebinarConnect, and answers to your most commonly asked questions to ensure you have the information you need to make the best decision for your business.

Get started today!

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