
LRSP Medicare Marketing Strategies and MedicareCon 2023 Panel Discussion

Mar 30, 2023 | Medicare, News

Marketing Blog

LeadingResponse VP of Financial Sales Jerry Lanier, Director of Sales Mike Cloutier, and National Marketing Consultant Jennifer Nicholson sat down with Justin Brock, CEO of Bobby Brock Insurance, to discuss the state of Medicare, marketing solutions for Medicare agents, and how to take the relationship with your Medicare eligibles to the next level.

“The infrastructure out there is just not good enough for the industry. So our passion is for creating actual agencies that serve the marketplace well and a place to build a long-term business,” says Justin.

And what’s the biggest mistake we see agents and advisors make when trying to market and grow their Medicare business? “The one thing I hear the most when I’m talking with agents is the challenge that they are buying leads and trying to call people, trying to get them on the phone. But we have this system in place with seminars where they are coming to you and seeking your help. If you are looking to grow your business quickly, this is the quickest and easiest way to get in front of qualified prospects instead of trying to chase them down,” says Jennifer.

To review the entire interview and learn more about how to best market your Medicare business and drive more eligibles, play the video below:

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