
Meet Our LeadingResponse Team – Pamela Girardin

Dec 5, 2022 | Meet Our Team

Marketing Blog
Pamela Girardin

Welcome to another edition of LeadingResponse’s Meet the Team Blog! Today we want to introduce you to Pamela Girardin, part of our leadership team and the VP of Marketing. If you want to learn more about our other team members, view our Meet the Team page! And without further ado, let’s meet Pamela!

Give me your 30-second elevator speech.

Hi – I am Pamela Girardin, VP of Marketing and a member of the B2B Marketing Team. My team is responsible for raising the profile of LRSP across all markets and as a holistic organization. We target the needs, interests, and challenges of organizations within our 3 verticals – Financial, Legal, and Healthcare – focused on creating an interest in the solutions we offer. As a department, we continuously challenge ourselves on how we can make our programs more effective and drive more conversions. This is something that I think about every single day. I get to do what I love every day – surrounded by an amazing team.

Who is your hero?

My mom – sappy, I know. And my proudest accomplishment is my family – without hesitation. My driving factors are really my family and my internal drive to push myself and others out of their comfort zones.

Pamela Family
Pamela in Egypt
Pamela in Paris

What’s your favorite movie?

That is a long list. If I am trying to look intellectual, I say “Shawshank Redemption.” If I am being honest, it’s probably “Pitch Perfect.”

What is your biggest fear?

Bridges, Sharks, Alligators… not necessarily logical but, at times, terrifying

I won’t judge you there. What did you want to be when you were small?

Reporter for the New York Times

And if you could do anything for a day now, what would it be?


Oh, I love that answer! Ok, what’s your favorite game or sport?

I love sports, and we watch a lot of it. Live sports are the best and I will go to any game as I love the atmosphere. On TV, the typical ones – football and baseball. And I love the Little League World Series and the Olympics.

Pamela baseball

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?

OMG – there have been so many pivotable points in my life where things would be different had I made another choice. But there is nothing that I want to revisit. My past experiences made me who I am today – and for that, I am grateful and happy to live in the present.

That’s a great perspective on life. If you could share a meal with any four individuals, living or dead, who would they be?

No one anyone would recognize but my mom, my great aunt Mill, my mother-in-law, and my grandmother – all of these people met the world to me, and every day I feel the loss. One more meal would be amazing.

What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?

Hmmm – that’s hard. Do people and pets count? Assuming they are a guarantee in, I would take books, a spear gun, and flint. Probably not the most exciting list, but I would like to survive. 

Pamela silly

Are you related or distantly related to anyone famous?

Well, my husband is related to an original wrestler, “The Tennessee Stud.” Lots of hysterical family photos with Andre the Giant and other wrestlers from a long time ago.

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Do not try to communicate before coffee.

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer some questions for us, Pamela! It’s been great getting to know you better. To learn more about the people that make up LeadingResponse, you can visit our Meet the Team page or find more blogs highlighting our team.

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