
Webinar Attendees: How to Guarantee 90% Attendance Rates

Jan 7, 2021 | Financial

Marketing Blog

Last year, LeadingResponse faced a huge challenge: how to effectively market financial advisor clients to consumers who could benefit from their services. Through trial and error, our team discovered how to attract an unusually high percentage of prospects to online educational webinars. Specifically, they achieved a minimum 90% attendance rate.

A New Process Is Born

But the advisors following our methodology didn’t just experience 90% attendance. Some reported up to 100% attendance for their webinars. Most importantly, more of their prospects were converting into customers.

Here are two recent examples provided by LeadingResponse financial advisor clients on the West Coast and the East Coast.

You know the saying, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” However, we are backing up our words with consistent – and guaranteed – webinar results. Our new process ensures 90% attendance and above.

Save time and expense

Our expert team will help improve the quality of your attendees by connecting and qualifying them before the webinar. You can choose whether to present your webinar events once or record them to replay and promote on an ongoing basis as a lead generation guide.

90% attendance is possible

If you’ve been reluctant to use webinars as a client acquisition tool, it’s time to reconsider. Don’t pass up an opportunity to benefit from our discoveries. You would like to achieve 90% attendance, right? As your less ambitious competitors continue to hesitate, you will be starting down the path to real business growth.

Sign up today for a complimentary consultation.

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