
Marketing Solutions for Healthcare Providers

Jan 17, 2022 | Healthcare

Marketing Blog

“Good Fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with good planning” – Thomas Edison

It’s not enough anymore to be a top-notch healthcare provider. With the world at everyone’s fingertips, it’s becoming more and more necessary to market your practice and services, even if you already have a great reputation. Even the most experienced practices have to showcase their services through a variety of healthcare marketing solutions in order to keep ahead of the competition.

Recognizing the ideal patient for your medical practice is the foundation of implementing a successful marketing strategy. However, this is certainly not the easiest step of the process. Gaining insight into who you should be marketing to is crucial to building your practice and sustaining a solid reputation. In this blog, we will be diving into some marketing solutions that will help towards increasing customer activity and creating a stronger presence online.

Monitor Your Medical Practice’s Reviews

To identify your ideal patients, it can help to locate where they are looking for reviews and recommendations for services you offer. It is common for those seeking medical attention to carry out detailed research on potential options as these procedures are typically important. Keep in mind that people are coming to your practice for the best possible care they can manage.

Many are drawn to the internet for reviews on specific practices when deciding. In fact, according to a survey conducted by, “almost three-quarters (71%) of surveyed patients use online reviews as the very first step to finding a new doctor.” Maintaining an overview of your practice’s presence on these sites is crucial for your overall reputation. You are easily able to find out what is working for your consumers and what isn’t. People are more likely to be transparent with their thoughts in an online setting rather than in person.

Furthermore, providing valuable services can encourage clients to leave positive reviews. And that can lead to more traffic for your practice. Positive experiences and happy patients could also lead to client testimonials, which could be incorporated into your future healthcare marketing solutions.


Patients using online reviews as the first step to finding a doctor

Optimizing social media

With most people in the country on smart devices, this one could seem like a no-brainer. However, the seas of social media can be tough to manage when you are just starting out. But social media is a great, easy place to increase your visibility and connect with prospective patients through more marketing solutions. And when you reach prospects in more places, you simply reach more of them, consistently.

You will want to start by creating branding and messaging to be unified across all social media platforms. This stronger online presence will eliminate confusion by creating a resonance among users. While consumers will be prone to finding your medical practice on social media platforms, you will probably acquire more through the means of promoting your accounts to people at your physical location. In the beginning, it might be a good idea to seek out from your current patients what platforms they use. As time goes on, you can register on more platforms to increase reach to new consumers.

So, what do you do once you have created your profiles and start having some connections rolling in? This is when you will focus on providing content that is worthwhile to your followers. These can be posts that are informative on the services you provide, reasons you are a top medical practice in your area, and so on. Overall, you will want to implement a content strategy that will be seen as beneficial to the user. You will also want to create reasons for engagement between your business and the consumer. Guiding social media users to your website, email, or phone number could serve as a source of conversion.

What Marketing Solutions Work Best?

Whatever your specialty and goals, our expert team is here to help you reach new heights. We find prospects wherever they are. With almost 30 years of digital and traditional marketing experience, our dynamic marketing solutions put you in front of highly qualified, motivated prospects.

Patient Care and Follow-Up

Keeping the connection going with patients after they have received their procedure is important to creating lasting relationships. These touchpoints with patients after their visit can stay with them longer than you would think.

While the healthcare marketing solutions we discussed are vital towards promoting the growth of your practice, care of the patient, and the follow-up they require maintain the forefront of business proceedings. At the end of the day, the quality of these services acts as the face of your practice. Care of the patient is often relative to the skill of a specific doctor or what a patient can afford. Follow-up procedures are more reliant on the office members and attention to detail. Organizing patient information and creating schedules for material to distribute can go a long way toward securing these relationships.

Ready to Get Started?

LeadingResponse provides you with a detailed marketing roadmap, and the healthcare marketing solutions deck will pave the path for you to attract new, qualified prospects and turn them into your patients. What are you waiting for? Plan your success for the new year.

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